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A car that has been in an accident and at night.

Being involved in a drunk driving accident can be overwhelming, especially in a bustling college town like College Station. Its crucial to know what to do after a drunk driving accident in College Station and act swiftly and effectively. Brian C. Gutierrez will help you navigate the immediate aftermath, by outlining safety protocols, legal necessities, and how to preserve crucial evidenceall aimed at protecting your rights and setting the stage for any necessary claims.

Our primary goal is to provide comfort and support during this challenging time. Rest assured, you are not alone in this journey. Brian C. Gutierrez and our dedicated team are here to offer compassionate guidance, helping you navigate the complexities with empathy and experience.

If you’ve been a victim of a drunk driving accident in College Station, Brian C. Gutierrez is ready to stand by your side. Beyond immediate assistance, we are committed to long-term support. Reach out to us for a free consultation, where we can discuss your case, address your concerns, and start building a strategy tailored to your unique situation. Your well-being is our priority, and we are here to ensure you receive the support and compensation you rightfully deserve. Contact us today by calling 979-271-5338 and let us help you move forward on the path to recovery.

Immediate Actions Following a Drunk Driving Accident

Following a drunk driving accident, you may find yourself in a chaotic and overwhelming situation, similar to the aftermath of a car crash. However, amid this turmoil, you must take prompt action to safeguard your rights and future. The first step is to secure the scene. This means ensuring the safety of everyone involved, from the victims to the bystanders.

The subsequent step of paramount importance is to contact the authorities. The police can provide essential assistance with legal and insurance matters. An official police report is a vital document that can substantially influence your claim.

Lastly, make an effort to collect as much evidence as possible. This includes photographs of the accident scene, witness testimonies, and the exchange of contact details. This evidence can serve as valuable support for your case in the future.

Safety First: Securing the Scene

Securing the scene after a drunk driving accident involves more than merely setting up cones and flares. Its about prioritizing safety to minimize the risk of further injury. This includes turning off the ignition to prevent fires and being cautious of the unpredictable behavior of the drunk driver.

Bystanders can significantly contribute to securing the scene. They can help by refraining from discussing fault until speaking with the police, and by carefully gathering and storing any physical evidence. Remember, every piece of evidence can be crucial when dealing with the drivers insurance company.

Contacting Authorities: The Role of Police in Your Claim

Reporting to the police after a drunk driving accident is not only advisable but also necessary. A police report serves as official evidence of the accidents circumstances. It includes essential details such as:

  • the impaired drivers behavior
  • any citations or arrests related to DUI
  • can serve as a foundation for gathering additional evidence like witness statements or drug tests.

Obtaining a police report in Texas involves the following steps:

  1. Reach out to the responding law enforcement agency.
  2. Provide necessary information about the accident.
  3. Adhere to the agencys protocol for obtaining the report.

In the event of a car accident, its crucial to gather all necessary information and evidence to support your claim when dealing with the other drivers insurance company.

Evidence Collection: Gathering Information for Your Case

Building a strong case after a drunk driving accident heavily relies on the collection of evidence. Photographs of skid marks, property damage, and visible injuries can prove invaluable to your case. These visual aids can paint a vivid picture of the accident scene, providing context and clarity to your claim.

One of the most potent forms of evidence is witness statements. A thorough witness statement should include the witnesss full name, contact details, and a detailed recount of the events. In a secure manner, approach witnesses, ask about their observation of the accident, and request their personal information for future communication.

Texas Drunk Driving Laws

A drink on a bar with handcuffs and keys.

Being familiar with Texas drunk driving laws and the Texas dram shop law can greatly aid in handling the aftermath of a crash involving alcohol, such as a drunk driving accident. In Texas, a DUI incident occurs when a driver operates a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, leading to impaired driving ability. The legal limit for blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in Texas is .08.

Penalties for a first-time DUI offense in Texas include a minimum of 72 hours in jail, a fine of up to $2,000, and a 90-day drivers license suspension. When a drivers BAC is double the legal limit, their ability to control the vehicle is substantially diminished, significantly increasing the risk of causing traffic accidents.

In Texas, the dram shop law holds establishments liable for injuries caused by individuals who were over-served alcohol on their premises. This means that if a person consumes alcohol at a bar, restaurant, or other licensed establishment, and then causes harm to others due to intoxication, the establishment may be held responsible for the resulting injuries or damages. The Texas dram shop law recognizes the role of these establishments in preventing overconsumption and aims to ensure accountability for the consequences of serving alcohol irresponsibly.

Identifying and Documenting Injuries

Recognizing and recording injuries are essential steps to be taken following a drunk driving accident. Injuries commonly associated with such car accidents include:

  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Spinal injuries
  • Organ damage
  • Soft tissue injuries

Proper documentation of these injuries, through maintaining a detailed journal and gathering witness statements, can significantly influence your claim.

Seeking Medical Attention

It is imperative to seek immediate medical attention following a drunk driving accident. Its not just about addressing physical injuries, but also about documenting these injuries and establishing their cause. Even if no injuries are immediately evident, its critical to seek a medical evaluation.

Depending on the type and extent of the injuries, including catastrophic injuries and life-altering injuries, it may be necessary to consult with medical providers like surgeons, neurologists, or psychiatrists. Remember, prompt medical attention can significantly influence the outcome of your claim.

Keeping Records of Medical Treatment

Maintaining comprehensive records of your medical treatment is not only recommended but also required. In Texas, its essential to compile medical records and medical bills to accurately document any injuries sustained. These records should include information about the existence and severity of the injury, any pre-existing conditions, and details of the diagnosis and treatment.

Legal Representation After a Drunk Driving Accident

Obtaining legal representation after a drunk driving accident can help protect your rights and guarantee due process. It can also significantly enhance the compensation you obtain compared to negotiating with insurance companies independently.

Filing an Insurance Claim vs. Pursuing a Lawsuit

Deciding whether to file an insurance claim or pursue a lawsuit in drunk driving accident cases can pose a challenge. Filing an insurance claim is often the first course of action for seeking compensation.

However, if an equitable resolution cant be achieved through an insurance claim, pursuing a lawsuit may become necessary.

Seeking Compensation for Damages

Pursuing compensation for damages plays a role in the recovery process following a drunk driving accident. Victims can pursue compensatory damages for tangible losses, such as reimbursement for medical expenses and lost income.

Economic Damages: Covering Tangible Losses

Economic damages in a drunk driving accident case typically encompass tangible losses such as medical expenses and income lost due to the inability to work. These damages are typically calculated by totaling the actual medical expenses and multiplying the daily wage loss by the total number of days the victim was unable to work.

Non-Economic Damages: Addressing Intangible Impacts

In contrast to economic damages, non-economic damages address the intangible impacts of a drunk driving accident, such as:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Loss of consortium (loss of companionship or support from a spouse)

They are often calculated using a multiplier method, where the amount of economic damages is multiplied by a variable to account for these intangible impacts.

The Impact of a Drunk Driving Conviction on Your Civil Case

A drunk driving conviction can have a substantial effect on your civil case. It can serve as proof of:

  • negligence
  • misconduct
  • recklessness
  • disregard for the safety of others

By the intoxicated driver, potentially increasing the value of your claim and the likelihood of obtaining compensation due to the involvement of drunk drivers.

Communicating with Insurance Companies

Interacting with the drivers insurance company after a drunk driving accident may prove to be a difficult task. Insurance companies play a pivotal role in disbursing financial compensation through claims. However, its crucial to protect your interests when dealing with them.

Preparing for the Possibility of Trial

Even though many drunk driving accident cases are resolved without a trial, being prepared for such a possibility remains important. The preparation for a trial involves gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and providing a checklist and tips for testifying.

Coping with the Aftermath: Support and Resources

Coping with the aftermath of a drunk driving accident can be a demanding task. But remember, youre not alone. There are numerous support groups and resources available to help you navigate through this difficult time, including:

  • Victim advocacy organizations
  • Counseling services
  • Legal assistance
  • Substance abuse treatment programs
  • Community support groups

Reach out to these resources in College Station for the support and guidance you need.

How Brian C. Gutierrez Can Help You

From immediate actions to legal representation, understanding drunk driving laws, and seeking compensation, each step in the aftermath of a drunk driving accident is critical. At Brian C. Gutierrezs law firm, we stand ready to assist you in navigating the intricate details of a drunk driving accident case.

Our Approach to Drunk Driving Cases

At Brian C. Gutierrezs law firm, we have developed a unique approach to handling drunk driving cases. We offer answers to all inquiries without any requirement to commit and operate on a contingency fee basis. This means you wont pay us unless we win your case.

Why Choose Us?

Choosing Brian C. Gutierrez for your legal representation is the right decision. Heres why:

  • Brian has been practicing law since 2006
  • He accepts personal injury and car accident cases
  • He has a successful track record, having handled over 1,000 personal injury cases in Texas

In addition to Brian C. Gutierrez’s extensive experience as a skilled drunk driving accident attorney, his commitment to clients goes beyond legal proficiency. With a deep understanding of the physical, emotional, and financial toll that severe injuries from drunk driving accidents can take, Brian and our team stand ready to offer comprehensive support throughout the legal process.

If you or a loved one has been affected by a drunk driving accident, reaching out to Brian C. Gutierrez is a crucial step toward securing the justice and compensation you deserve. Our compassionate approach, coupled with legal acumen, ensures that your case receives the attention it needs for a favorable outcome.

Take the first step towards recovery and justice by scheduling a free consultation with Brian C. Gutierrez. During this session, we will discuss the specifics of your case, address your concerns, and outline a personalized strategy tailored to your situation. Your well-being is our priority, and we are here to guide you toward a brighter future. Contact us today at 979-271-5338 and let us begin the journey towards achieving the resolution and compensation you rightfully deserve.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I report drunk driving in Texas?

You can report a drunk driver in Texas by calling 1-800-525-5555, the motorist’s helpline. This number is located on the back of your Texas driver’s license.

Is a DUI negligence per se in Texas?

Yes, driving under the influence (DUI) is considered negligence per se in Texas, making it easier to prove that a defendant acted negligently. This can lead to criminal charges and punitive damages.

What are the chances of getting in a car accident when you’re drunk?

If a driver has a BAC of 0.15 or higher, they are 380 times more likely to get into an accident than a sober driver. It’s crucial to avoid driving under the influence to prevent serious accidents.

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