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Protecting Your Rights After a Car Accident

Most people will be involved in a car accident at some point in their lives. However, even if you only have minor property damage or small injuries, you are still entitled to compensation. Injured accident victims in Caldwell, TX may need to work with personal injury attorneys to recover compensation if insurance companies are not offering fair settlements.

Cases Caldwell Car Accident Lawyers Can Help With

From minor fender benders to major multi-car pile-ups, a car accident can result in various injuries and damages. If you were injured in a car accident but you are not at fault, the other driver or drivers involved in the accident may be liable for your recovery expenses. While a personal injury attorney may most commonly handle passenger car crashes, an experienced law firm can also address more complex auto accident cases, including:

  • Truck accidents
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Hit-and-run accidents
  • Distracted driving
  • Mechanical failure or malfunction
  • DUI accidents

How Can a Caldwell Car Accident Lawyer Help You?

Experienced car accident lawyers can help you with many elements of your personal injury claim. Whether you are struggling with your automobile insurance company or you have a complex car accident case that involves multiple negligent parties, a law office with an experienced accident attorney is your best resource. Some ways attorneys can help clients include:

Free Case Evaluation

A case evaluation is a good place to start if you want to pursue compensation but you aren’t sure how to begin. An attorney can look at cases similar to yours to assess how successful your lawsuit or insurance claim will be. This is a crucial step, since TX lawyers will have knowledge of Texas law that may pertain to your legal issue.

Gather Evidence For Motor Vehicle Accidents

There is a lot of evidence that is associated with motor vehicle accidents. The more evidence you have, the easier it is to prove fault in your Caldwell, Texas car accident case. Some important evidence can include police reports, witness testimony, security camera footage, and photographs of the scene of the accident. You can also use evidence such as road and weather conditions, as well as the condition of the driver of the other vehicle, to paint a clear picture of how an accident happened.

Negotiate With Auto Insurance

Many drivers in Caldwell, TX are dismayed to find out that auto insurance companies are not always eager to work with victims to award fair settlements. Whether you need to negotiate with your insurance company or the other driver’s insurance provider, you will need help from a Texas attorney to reach a fair settlement that covers all of your expenses.

What Should You Not Say to an Insurance Company?

As a victim of an auto accident in Caldwell, TX, there are certain things you should never say to an insurance adjuster working on your claim. Most importantly, you should never admit fault or apologize for the action since this can be misconstrued and used to deny your claim. You should also stick to the details or ask the insurance adjuster to speak directly with your personal injury attorney.

Prove Negligence In Car Accidents

If your car accident claim goes to court, you will need to work with a lawyer to prove negligence for the at-fault driver. For example, your lawyer will need to prove that a truck driver is responsible for your accident if you were sideswiped by a semi-truck.

A lawyer will be able to establish negligence by using evidence related to your case to outline a breach of duty, causation, damage, and other factors that can identify negligence. Each of these elements of negligence must be met for each party who is at fault for causing the car accident.

Recover Financial Compensation

Under Texas law, people seeking compensation for personal injury cases are entitled to be compensated for economic costs such as lost wages and medical expenses. You can recover damages for personal property as well, such as vehicle repair or replacement. In some cases, such as for Texas clients who are permanently disabled, an attorney may ask for compensation for future wages, as well.

What About Non-Economic Damages?

The parties at fault for your auto accident in Caldwell, TX are also responsible for paying non-economic damages. Your law firm can argue for compensation for pain and suffering, disfigurement, mental anguish, and emotional distress. Non-economic damages are added to the economic damages you are entitled to as part of your car crash settlement.

The cap on non-economic damages in Texas is significantly higher than the cap on economic damages, so it’s a good idea to explore the possibility of adding non-economic damages to your settlement negotiation. If your case goes to court, a judge and jury may decide how much you deserve in non-economic damages.

What If You Need Additional Compensation?

Some car accident victims are unable to recover enough compensation from a driver who is responsible for their injuries because that driver’s minimum liability coverage is capped. In this case, it may be necessary to file additional lawsuits against the individual directly.

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A silver car rear-ending a black car

Who Is Responsible for Your Personal Injury Claim?

If you have a personal injury after a car crash, a personal injury lawyer is your best chance at getting the compensation you deserve. Although some people may be able to recover compensation from their insurance company to cover all the costs of medical bills and other expenses, other people may need to recover compensation by suing the person responsible for the accident.

Texas is a fault state, which means victims have legal rights to claim compensation for injuries. For car accidents that involve multiple drivers, sometimes the compensation for damages will be determined by the modified comparative negligence, which may hold all drivers partially responsible for compensating victims. If your car crash settlement is being tried in court, you will need an attorney to help you prove your percentage of fault for the accident.

Who Can Seek Compensation?

Typically, the victim of a car accident will be the one seeking compensation for injuries and damages. However, an attorney will also be able to help a victim’s family member claim compensation, particularly if the victim is fatally injured, is a minor, or is unable to pursue compensation for themselves.

How Can I Get the Most From My Personal Injury Claim?

Though a car accident may seem like a relatively common occurrence, the procedures that follow can be extremely challenging for regular citizens unaccustomed to insurance disputes and civil court. Insurance companies can be aggressive with their tactics, and many people inadvertently admit guilt even when they are not actually at fault for the accident. When you have a Caldwell car wreck attorney on your side, you can direct all insurance company calls to your legal team.

We can answer their questions without diminishing the case, providing valuable protection for your personal injury claim. What’s more, if you go to civil court to earn compensation from the other driver, personal injury lawyer Brian Gutierrez is here to stand by you. We can demonstrate the other party’s fault and your damages in court, using expert witness and eyewitness testimony, police reports, traffic camera footage, and more. Our team will pursue a settlement that supports your family while you recover.

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Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Have Related Practice Areas?

Personal injury law can address other legal issues in related practice areas. Many personal injury lawyers practicing law in Texas can handle cases involving premises liability, medical malpractice, and other accidents that cause major injuries. Attorneys in Caldwell, Texas can walk you through all of your legal options for any personal injury lawsuit you want to file if you have been injured through no fault of your own.

Should I Contact a Car Accident Attorney After a Rear End Collision?

If you get into a car accident in Caldwell, TX, it’s important to know what to do. If you follow some basic tips, you can preserve your case.

  • Assess yourself for injuries and call 911 for emergency care.
  • Document all injuries, including medical records, doctor bills, and care plans.
  • If you are not severely injured, exchange information with the other driver, including name, license information, insurance information, contact number, and email address
  • Take photos of any damage to the vehicles and surrounding property.
  • Take photos of your injuries
  • Get the contact information of any witnesses.
  • Call your attorney.

If you have been injured in an accident and you want to file a personal injury lawsuit against the driver responsible for your injuries, you can work with a legal team in Caldwell, TX to file a lawsuit. Personal injury cases can help clients recover compensation for most expenses that occurred as a result of the accident. Contact Brian C. Gutierrez or visit the law office at 318 N Bryan Ave in Bryan, TX for a free consultation.

“No words describe how amazing it is to work with Brian.” J.T.

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