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How Can I Find the Best Madisonville Car Accident Lawyer?

If you don’t have a car accident lawyer or law firm you trust, our experts can help. Our team has been fighting for car accident victims for many years. We understand the challenges and variables present in your case and will work hard to make sure you get the kind of compensation you deserve. Attorney Brian Gutierrez works diligently to give you the best possible legal service by tailoring his work to your specific needs. There is no such thing as a standard practice at our firm—instead, each client’s legal journey is based specifically on their claim.

For almost 20 years, we have been helping Buffalo, College Station, Bryan, Hempstead, and other area families rebuild and pursue compensation after car accidents. When you work with our firm, you get personalized advice from Attorney Brian Gutierrez. Our entire firm is behind him, and you will work directly with him for the entirety of your case.

Consult with a Madisonville Car Accident Lawyer for Legal Action and Compensation

In 2022, the Texas Department of Transportation recorded that 244,092 drivers and passengers sustained injuries in a car accident. Unfortunately, being a safe driver isn’t always enough to prevent you from being involved in a car accident. While you can do your best to avoid accidents by driving responsibly and following the rules of the road, you can’t control the actions of other drivers.

Car accidents can happen in the blink of an eye, leaving you with medical bills and long-term health issues that may impact your quality of life. If you are injured in a crash, you’ll want to contact a Madisonville car accident lawyer to discuss your options for taking legal action against the at-fault driver and how to seek compensation for your injuries and the pain and suffering you experienced due to the collision.

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A silver car rear-ending a black car

The Aftermath of a Car Accident

Ask a driver what they need to do after a car accident, and most of them will say the following: call the police, exchange information with the other party and witnesses, seek medical attention if needed, and contact the insurance company. Although these steps must be taken following a crash, there’s another critical move accident victims need to take to increase their chances of receiving the compensation they deserve for their car accident injuries.

Get the Compensation You Deserve

When dealing with a personal injury sustained in a car accident, seeking legal representation might be the last thing on your mind. However, contacting a Madisonville car accident lawyer is essential.

Personal injury law is complex, so you’ll need to work with an attorney from a dependable law firm to prevent insurance adjusters from trying to give you an unfair settlement or unfairly blame the accident on you. Attorneys have to prove the other party’s negligence and find evidence that proves their clients are not at-fault for the accident for a claim to be successful. If you were injured or suffered psychological damage because of someone else’s recklessness or negligence, you deserve a settlement commensurate with the pain and loss you experienced.

Let a Madisonville Car Accident Attorney Guide You

In the stressful days and weeks after the crash, it’s common for accident victims to feel overwhelmed. You’ll likely be fielding phone calls from your insurance company, trying to get your vehicle repaired, receiving ongoing medical attention, and trying to recover from your injuries. A car accident lawyer can help you during this difficult time by dealing with the insurance company and helping you file a personal injury claim to reimburse your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Car accident and personal injury attorney Brian C. Gutierrez has years of experience filing car insurance claims and pursuing justice for victims of car accidents.

Knowing a trustworthy law office is handling your case will let you take a step back from the stress of dealing with the aftermath of the crash and focus on recovering from your car accident injuries.

Should I Get a Car Accident Attorney After a Collision?

If you experience a car accident in Madisonville, you will likely feel startled, rattled, or upset. Though this is normal, it is important to follow several steps to preserve your chances of getting the compensation you deserve. Whether you plan to file an insurance claim or proceed to civil court, consider these tips:

  • Take photos of the damage. This includes damage to both cars, damage to the road or surrounding areas, and any injuries.
  • Exchange information with the other driver, especially driver’s license, insurance, and license plate information. It is best to also get a contact number or email address in addition to the other information.
  • Talk to witnesses and ask for their names and contact information.
  • Speak with the police who arrive on the scene. Give a brief statement about what happened, but do not give too many details or admit fault.
  • Call your Madisonville car wreck lawyer.

When you are involved in a car accident, avoid saying anything that could make it seem like the collision was your fault. Don’t apologize or give your perspective to the other driver. Simply exchange information and call your car wreck attorney.

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I’ve Been Hit By a Drunk Driver.Should I Hire a Car Accident Lawyer?

When a drunk driver is involved in an accident, things get more serious. If the intoxicated driver hurts or kills anyone, they may be charged with a felony. If you are hit by a drunk driver, try to record video and be sure to call the police as well.

While some other accidents may not warrant police involvement, drunk driving certainly does. List the facts, and tell them that you think the driver may be intoxicated. Before they leave, ask them for a case number. Then, contact your Madisonville car accident attorney, who can help you determine your next steps.

Do I Need a Texas Car Accident Lawyer After a Minor Crash?

If you were in a minor collision or only received slight injuries, you may wonder if you need to contact an attorney about your situation. Although you can choose to interact with the involved insurance companies yourself, hiring a lawyer increases your likelihood of receiving fair compensation for your losses. 

Working with an attorney also protects you if the other driver tries to shift blame for the accident onto you to avoid being held responsible for the harm they caused you. While no one wants to consider the possibility that the other driver involved in the accident might be dishonest, it’s essential to protect yourself.

Attorneys at Texas law offices work with drivers injured in all types of motor vehicle accidents. Some of the most frequently seen car accidents include the following:

Hit-and-Run Accidents

Being hit by a driver who flees the accident scene is frustrating. When the other driver leaves the accident scene, an already stressful situation becomes even more challenging to navigate.

If you are injured in a hit-and-run, and the at-fault driver cannot be located, you will likely need to seek compensation from your uninsured or underinsured driver insurance policy. When you work with an accident attorney, they will communicate with the insurance company on your behalf and collect evidence to prove the insurer needs to compensate you for the injuries sustained in the collision.

Drunk Driving Accidents

If you are injured in a crash with a drunk driver, you’ll want to contact a Madisonville, Texas, attorney. Since driving while intoxicated is a crime, the legal process is more complex than in accidents where neither driver is impaired.

Some drivers believe that if a drunk driver hits them, the intoxicated individual is automatically at fault for the accident. This belief is untrue. While the other driver may face criminal charges for driving while intoxicated no matter who caused the accident, for you to secure damages and compensation, you will still have to prove that the other driver actually was at fault. You will need seasoned lawyers representing you and building a solid case proving you are not at fault.

Motorcycle Accidents

It isn’t unusual for accidents involving motorcycles and cars to have disastrous outcomes, such as life-altering injuries and even death. Whether you are the cyclist injured in the collision or a family member seeking justice for a loved one, working with an attorney offers you the highest chance of a successful outcome for your wrongful death or personal injury claim.

Truck Accidents

Truck accidents often result in fatalities or grievous injuries. The size discrepancy between vehicles in a truck accident creates a more dangerous situation than when two commuter cars collide.

If you are in a truck accident, you’ll want to work with an attorney from a reputable law firm. Drivers working for trucking companies typically have legal representation through the company, so you’ll want to make sure you have someone defending your side.

T-Bone Accidents

Also called side-impact accidents, t-bone accidents frequently occur because one party doesn’t yield at an intersection. Failing to yield may happen because of distractions, such as an individual texting while driving or because the traffic signal failed and multiple cars thought they were clear to cross the intersection.

Like most car accidents, victims of t-bone accidents can seek compensation for their injuries from the at-fault driver. However, they may also be able to seek them from another party. When t-bone accidents happen because of faulty signage or signal failure, victims may be able to pursue compensation from the individual or entity responsible for maintaining the traffic signs or signals.

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Meeting With a Madisonville Car Accident Lawyer For the First Time

Many lawyers offer a free initial consultation, where they will go over the details of your case with you. To make the most of this meeting, you’ll want to bring a copy of the accident report and records of your medical expenses, lost wages, and other losses you suffered due to the car accident. Your Madisonville car accident lawyer will look at various aspects of your case and advise you on the best way to proceed.

Since car accident cases are all unique, your lawyer will not be able to tell you how much money you should expect to receive from an insurance claim. However, as your case progresses, they will be able to help you determine if you are being offered a fair settlement or if you should hold out for greater compensation from the insurance company.

Contact a Madisonville Car Accident Attorney

Madisonville car accident lawyers understand the nuances of filing personal injury claims and know how to collect and present evidence effectively. When you work with a reliable law office, you will have peace of mind knowing numerous legal professionals are working to make your claim successful.

Not all car accident claims end up escalating to the court, but if yours does, you’ll be glad you chose to work with a law firm that has a track record of success in and out of the courtroom. Contact Brian C. Gutierrez for a free case evaluation today.

How Can I Get the Most from My Personal Injury Claim?

Even if you are able to secure a settlement with the insurance company, there are a few things a personal injury claim can cover beyond the insurance settlement. The primary purpose of a personal injury claim is to compensate you financially for any damage that was done to you or your car. As a result, compensation should cover your medical bills and car repair bills. Depending on the situation, you may also receive compensation for lost wages and the time you have to take off work to heal. 

For example, if you normally make $2,500 per week and you have to stay home for a week because of a concussion, your settlement may include an additional $2,500 to cover lost wages. In certain situations, you may also be able to secure future lost wage compensation if you are unable to return to work at all, as well as pain and suffering for ongoing or permanent pain and psychological damage.

“No words describe how amazing it is to work with Brian.” J.T.

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