Your attorney will need to collect evidence if you’ve sustained a catastrophic injury and you wish to recover compensation. Your attorney may discuss what kind of evidence you need with you during your initial consultation, and they’ll likely talk you through what’s needed to build a strong claim. Below are some types of evidence that may help you build a catastrophic injury case.
Accident Report
A copy of the police or accident report is usually required to start building your case. The police will usually have copies of the accident report. You, your attorney, relevant insurance adjusters, the at-fault party, and generally anyone else involved in the case can usually request a copy of the accident report.
Accident reports typically contain a lot of helpful information about the accident. The report could be very helpful for your legal team when seeking fair compensation on your behalf.
Medical Records
Your medical records may be used to prove your injuries didn’t exist before the accident. The records may also be used to show that you received medical care so you can be suitably reimbursed for your medical costs. You may have to undergo a medical assessment by a doctor or another medical professional you haven’t met before to prove that you sustained injuries in the accident. The injuries you sustained must have required medical attention for you to be reimbursed.
Witness Statements
Statements from people who witnessed the accident may be helpful. The statements may help piece together a timeline of what happened coming up to the accident, and they may help when your attorney is trying to determine liability.
Your loved ones may act as witnesses and testify regarding how your life has been severely impacted by your injury, which is considered catastrophic, too.
Expert witnesses, such as accident reconstructionists, may be summoned to help piece together an accurate timeline of events before, during, and after the accident.
Video Footage
If you’re able to get video footage of the accident scene or of the accident itself, then that will likely be very useful evidence. Video footage may include footage from dash cameras in your car accidents, security cameras, traffic cameras, and so on. Photographs of the accident scene will typically be used, too.
Proof of Vehicle Modifications
If the liable party’s vehicle had vehicle modifications that may have caused the accident, then proof that these modifications were made may be used to help build your case. Anything and everything that helps show the other party’s liability may be used.
Information from Government Agencies
If your accident was caused by a government agency’s negligence, such as the failure of the government agency to properly maintain a road, then maintenance records may be checked to see if the agency kept up with road maintenance.
Investigations Into a Trucking Company
If you were in a trucking accident, then the trucking company may be investigated to see if their drivers were fully trained, the trucks were properly maintained, and the company’s policies showed they were following federal guidelines.
Investigations in Your Workplace
If you were involved in a workplace accident, then your workplace may be investigated to see if safety and security measures were being followed. If proper measures were being followed, then it may prove that your employer was liable for the accident that caused your injury.
Have you experienced a catastrophic injury and are looking to recover compensation? Contact Brian C. Gutierrez. We may be able to help you pursue maximum compensation for your damages. Working with us may help you recover a fair settlement, so get in touch for a no-obligation consultation if you wish to seek justice.