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Protecting Your Rights After a Commercial Truck Accident

A car accident is never an exciting thing. When two vehicles collide, the consequences can be devastating—and the potential devastation only grows worse with larger types of commercial trucks. These vehicles come in all shapes and sizes, and their operation can sometimes involve a complex web of organizations and individuals. This means that you need a highly experienced commercial truck accident attorney to help you navigate the legal process and address the burdens that come along with it.

For more than 17 years now, Brian C. Gutierrez has been earning a reputation as one of the most passionate and dedicated commercial truck accident lawyers the College Station and Bryan, TX area has to offer. He has extensive experience with commercial truck accidents, isn’t afraid to bring a case to trial and fight on behalf of their clients in court, and dedicates himself to helping clients find the restorative justice they deserve after a commercial truck accident has caused injury or financial losses.

As a board-certified personal injury attorney, Brian Gutierrez offers a distinction that fewer than 2% of all lawyers in Texas can match. As a consummate professional and dedicated legal warrior, Brian has spent years in the trenches defending his clients and their interests. If you feel that you deserve compensation after an accident, reach out to Brian C. Gutierrez, one of the most tenacious commercial truck accident attorneys in the College Station and Bryan, TX, areas, and set your initial appointment to get started today.

What Causes a Commercial Truck Accident? Establishing Negligence

Thorough Investigation

Understanding the specifics of who lies at fault after an accident involving a commercial truck involves a careful process of investigation. In order to establish negligence, Brian C. Gutierrez will work diligently to carefully investigate the circumstances surrounding your accident, conducting interviews and gathering evidence to help support our argument and ensure that you’re awarded the appropriate compensation.

Was the Driver Negligent?

Determining liability after a commercial truck accident means establishing that an individual or entity that was directly involved in the operation of the vehicle behaved in a way that was negligent and resulted in your injury or financial losses. Negligence can involve a number of behaviors but almost always involves creating a situation in which other drivers are put at unnecessary risk or danger.

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Brian Gutierrez speaking with legal assistants

What Negligence Looks Like

Negligence behind the wheel of a commercial vehicle can take many forms. An experienced commercial truck accident attorney like Brian C. Gutierrez can help you establish which party was behaving in a way that was negligible, leading to your unfortunate situation.

Negligence often involves one or a combination of the following behaviors:

  • Driving While Fatigued: Drivers who operate commercial vehicles typically travel long distances over extended periods of time. They must follow specific guidelines to ensure that they are driving safely and avoiding fatigue.
  • Distracted Driving: If a driver is distracted by something like a cell phone, an electronic device, food, or even GPS navigation, they may be found liable for the accident that follows.
  • Improper Vehicle Maintenance: The organization that owns a commercial vehicle has the legal responsibility to keep it maintained and ensure that it can be operated safely.
  • Improper Cargo Loading: If cargo is not loaded onto a commercial vehicle properly, it can shift during transit and cause a potentially serious accident.

What Do I Do After a Commercial Truck Accident?

In the state of Texas, there is a time limit for filing a lawsuit after a commercial truck accident. This is known as the statute of limitations, and it means that you must file your lawsuit within two years of the date of the accident. The statute of limitations isn’t the only thing that makes quick action beneficial after a commercial truck accident. The more quickly you’re able to move after your truck accident, the more effectively your team can prove that the other party was responsible for your injury or financial losses.

Of course, when you’re dealing with the potential devastation caused by a commercial truck accident, this is much easier said than it is done. This is why Brian commits himself to full and comprehensive support. Not only will he ensure that you’re guided through the legal process by an expert hand, but he’ll also extend his support in a way that alleviates the headaches potentially caused by any and all incidental burdens. In other words? The best thing to do after a commercial truck accident is to call Brian C. Gutierrez.

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The Support You Need. As Soon As You Need It.

The immediate aftermath of a commercial truck accident can be a scary time. The legal process that follows as you attempt to establish liability and collect the compensation you’re owed can be even more scary. This is where Brian C. Gutierrez steps in. As one of the most experienced—and successful—commercial truck accident lawyers in the College Station and Bryan, TX areas, Brian Gutierrez has spent more than 17 years fighting tirelessly on behalf of his clients.

At the end of the day, Brian C. Gutierrez understands that money is good, but the truth is paramount. He’ll work closely with you and your family members to ensure that you’re supported in ways that go well beyond the legal process, giving you the peace of mind to focus on healing and moving on with your life while he focuses on assembling a bulletproof legal strategy and ensuring that you’re able to collect the compensation and restoration you deserve. If you’d like to learn more, reach out to Brian C. Gutierrez and set up your initial meeting today.

“No words describe how amazing it is to work with Brian.” J.T.

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