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Have you ever wondered, do I need to be a permanent resident of Texas to have a personal injury case? The good news is, the answer is a resounding yes. Texas law does not discriminate between permanent and non-permanent residents when it comes to pursuing compensation for injuries sustained due to someone elses negligence. By working with Brian C. Gutierrez, we will debunk common misconceptions, explore the essential elements of a personal injury claim in Texas, and guide you through the process, ensuring you understand your rights and the steps to take. Call us today at 979-271-5338 for a free consultation and take the first step towards the justice and compensation you deserve.

A man in a cast and crutches sitting on a couch texting his attorney.

Personal Injury Claims for Non-Permanent Residents in Texas

Non-permanent residents in Texas have the same rights to seek compensation for personal injury claims as permanent residents, regardless of their immigration status. Awareness of the various factors impacting personal injury claims for non-permanent residents in Texas is crucial. These factors include the law regarding fault in car accidents, the necessity of seeking medical care after an accident, and personal injury protection (PIP) insurance.

To successfully pursue a personal injury claim, non-permanent residents in Texas need to adhere to a procedure encompassing the following steps:

  1. Consultation with a Texas personal injury attorney
  2. Evidence collection
  3. Claim filing
  4. Negotiations with insurance companies

Brian C. Gutierrez is indispensable in assuring equal treatment for non-permanent residents as U.S. citizens during the pursuit of personal injury claims.

Equal Rights to Seek Compensation

Non-permanent residents in Texas are entitled to pursue compensation for personal injuries, regardless of their immigration status. Texas law ensures equal treatment for all individuals in personal injury cases, allowing immigrants of all statuses to file personal injury claims in Texas courts.

The Constitution guarantees United States citizens and non-permanent residents the right to pursue compensation for personal injuries through the Fourteenth Amendment, which ensures that all persons residing in the United States, including non-permanent residents, are provided with equal protection under the law.

Immigration Status and Personal Injury Cases

Immigration status does not affect the ability to file a personal injury claim in Texas, and non-permanent residents are protected from disclosing their status in lawsuits. Non-permanent residents can file personal injury lawsuits without fear of deportation or adverse immigration consequences, as U.S. law provides protections for both legal and undocumented immigrants who have been victims of crimes, including personal injury.

Insurance companies are not allowed to request a non-permanent resident to reveal their immigration status in personal injury cases in Texas.

Factors Affecting Personal Injury Claims for Non-Permanent Residents

Undocumented immigrants may be hesitant to file personal injury lawsuits, a type of civil lawsuits, due to the potential of deportation and other immigration consequences. Moreover, non-permanent residents might struggle to identify the proper venue for filing the lawsuit, a critical factor for the case to be heard by the right court while adhering to the relevant laws and procedures.

With the assistance of personal injury attorneys experienced in personal injury claims, challenges related to a motor vehicle accident can be adequately addressed.

Insurance Coverage Challenges

Insurance coverage challenges for non-permanent residents in Texas may include being excluded from Medicaid, CHIP, and the Marketplace and its subsidies, leading to a lack of access to affordable health insurance coverage. Furthermore, confusion and fear about enrollment processes can prevent eligible immigrants from obtaining coverage. Consequently, over 30 percent of the uninsured in Texas are non-citizens.

Brian C. Gutierrez and team can provide legal representation and guidance to non-permanent residents facing insurance coverage challenges in Texas. We can assist them in:

  • Understanding the relevant insurance laws and regulations
  • Negotiating with insurance companies
  • Advocating for their rights to ensure they receive the coverage they are entitled to.

Collecting Compensation from Defendants

Collecting compensation from defendants can be more difficult for non-permanent residents, but a skilled attorney can help navigate the process. Some of the common difficulties encountered by non-permanent residents when attempting to obtain compensation from defendants in personal injury cases include:

  • Lack of legal status
  • Language barriers
  • Limited financial resources
  • Fear of deportation
  • Difficulty in enforcing judgments

By employing strategies such as negotiating with insurance companies, assembling and organizing evidence, and providing legal guidance and assistance in accessing benefits, Brian C. Gutierrez can help non-permanent residents overcome these challenges and secure the compensation they deserve.

Essential Elements of a Personal Injury Claim in Texas

For a successful personal injury claim in Texas, non-permanent residents have to establish four vital elements:

  1. Duty of care
  2. Breach of duty
  3. Causation
  4. Damages

Comprehending and substantiating these elements form the backbone of a robust case and help secure fair compensation for the injured party.

Duty of Care

Duty of care refers to the legal obligation one party has to avoid causing harm to another. In personal injury cases, the duty of care is established by demonstrating that the responsible party had a legal obligation to exercise reasonable care to prevent harm to others. This duty is based on the idea that an individual or organization should abstain from behaviors or actions that could potentially cause harm to others.

Breach of Duty

Breach of duty occurs when a party fails to uphold their duty of care, resulting in harm to another. To demonstrate a breach of duty in a personal injury claim, it is necessary to establish that the defendant had an obligation to exercise care towards you, and then demonstrate that their conduct did not fulfill this obligation.

This can be done by demonstrating that the defendant did not act as a reasonably prudent person would have acted under similar circumstances.


Causation is the direct link between the breach of duty and the harm suffered by the injured party. In personal injury cases, causation refers to demonstrating that the defendants actions or negligence directly caused the plaintiffs injuries.

Establishing causation can be challenging, but by proving the defendants negligence or wrongful conduct was the cause-in-fact and proximate cause of the plaintiffs harm, a successful claim can be made.


Damages are the financial compensation awarded to the injured party for their losses and suffering. In Texas personal injury cases, damages can include:

  • Economic damages, such as medical bills and lost wages
  • Non-economic damages for pain and suffering
  • Exemplary damages in cases of gross negligence or malicious conduct

The amount of damages awarded can be influenced by factors such as the severity of the injury, the degree of negligence, and the contributory negligence of the injured party.

Steps to Filing a Personal Injury Claim as a Non-Permanent Resident

A client speaking with his attorney.

To file a Texas personal injury claim, non-permanent residents should adhere to these steps:

  1. Consultation with an attorney
  2. Evidence gathering
  3. Claim filing
  4. Negotiations with insurance companies

All these steps are fundamental to achieving a successful outcome in a personal injury claim.

Consult with a Texas Personal Injury Attorney

For non-permanent residents to understand their rights and navigate the legal process, consultation with a Texas personal injury attorney is vital. Brian C. Gutierrez can:

  • Furnish valuable insights
  • Evaluate the strength of the case
  • Aid non-permanent residents in making informed decisions about the optimal course of action for their claim.

The sooner you speak with an attorney, the better your chances of achieving a favorable outcome.

Gather Evidence

Collecting evidence like medical records and witness statements is pivotal for building a robust case. The more supporting evidence you have for your claim, the stronger your case becomes, thereby increasing your likelihood of receiving fair compensation.

An attorney can assist non-permanent residents in collecting and organizing evidence to support their claims and ensure they put their right foot forward in the legal process.

File the Claim

Filing the claim in the appropriate venue within Texas is necessary to initiate the legal process. An attorney can help non-permanent residents determine the correct jurisdiction and ensure that their claim is filed in the proper court. This is crucial in ensuring the case is heard by the correct court and adheres to the relevant laws and procedures.

Negotiate with Insurance Companies

Negotiating with ones own insurance company can be challenging, but Brian C. Gutierrez can help non-permanent residents secure fair compensation. By presenting persuasive evidence and upholding their clients rights, an attorney can engage in effective negotiations with an insurance company and work towards reaching a fair settlement for the non-permanent resident.

The Role of a Personal Injury Attorney for Non-Permanent Residents

A personal injury attorney has a pivotal role in safeguarding the rights of non-permanent residents, steering through intricate laws, and optimizing compensation. Assisted by a competent attorney, non-permanent residents can gain the necessary legal guidance and representation to maneuver through the complexities of personal injury law in Texas, thus securing the compensation they deserve.

Brian C. Gutierrez can help non-permanent residents in Texas by offering free consultations, working on a contingency fee basis, and striving to secure the maximum compensation they deserve. By enlisting the services of an experienced attorney like Brian Gutierrez, non-permanent residents can ensure their rights are protected and receive a positive outcome in their personal injury claims.

Protecting Your Rights

An attorney can protect the rights of non-permanent residents throughout the legal process, ensuring they receive fair treatment and equal protection under the law. By advocating for their clients interests and providing knowledgeable legal counsel, an attorney can help non-permanent residents navigate the challenges they may face in personal injury cases, including issues related to immigration status and language barriers.

Navigating Complex Laws

Navigating complex laws and regulations can be challenging for non-permanent residents, but an experienced attorney can guide them through the process. By providing legal advice and representation tailored to the unique circumstances of each case, an attorney can help non-permanent residents with the following:

  • Understand their rights and options
  • Collect evidence to support their claim
  • Negotiate with insurance companies
  • Represent their interests in court if necessary

Maximizing Compensation

A skilled attorney can help non-permanent residents maximize their compensation by:

  • Building a strong case
  • Negotiating with insurance companies
  • Presenting persuasive evidence
  • Upholding their clients rights
  • Employing tactics such as mediation or negotiation meetings

By utilizing these strategies, an attorney can work towards securing the maximum compensation for the non-permanent resident.

How Brian C. Gutierrez Can Help You

Brian C. Gutierrez, with over 15 years of experience in personal injury and car crash cases, can help non-permanent residents in Texas by offering free consultations, working on a contingency fee basis, and striving to secure the maximum compensation they deserve. His extensive experience and dedication to his clients make him a valuable asset for non-permanent residents seeking justice in personal injury cases.

To schedule a free consultation with Brian Gutierrez and discuss your personal injury case, contact us at 979-271-5338. Let Brian and his team fight for your rights and help you secure the compensation you deserve.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does a personal injury lawsuit work in Texas?

In Texas, you can pursue a personal injury lawsuit against an at-fault party who hurt you with the help of a lawyer. If the parties don’t settle, a judge or jury will decide the outcome in civil court.

Can non-permanent residents file personal injury claims in Texas?

Yes, non-permanent residents can file personal injury claims in Texas, just like permanent residents.

Does a lawsuit affect immigration status?

A lawsuit should not affect your immigration status; there is no need to worry that bringing attention to your legal status will lead to deportation or have a negative impact.

How do I file a personal injury claim in Texas?

To file a personal injury claim in Texas, you should obtain medical treatment for your injuries, file an insurance claim, consult with a personal injury lawyer, conduct an accident investigation, send a settlement demand letter, file a personal injury lawsuit, and go through the discovery process and settlement negotiations.

What are the exceptions to the Texas personal injury statute of limitations?

In Texas, the statute of limitations on a personal injury claim is two years from the date of the cause of action, unless the claimant is a minor, a victim of a sex crime, the claim is not discoverable until later, or the claim is regarding certain medical malpractice.

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