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Texas Product Liability Law

According to Texas law, manufacturers have a responsibility to ensure that products are safe for consumer use and provide warnings about any risks associated with the use of their products. If a dangerous or defective product causes injury, Texas law allows the injured person to file a lawsuit against the manufacturer for damage caused by the product.

Insurance companies often employ tactics that involve trying to downplay the severity of your injuries or even suggesting that your injuries weren’t caused by the product in question in the first place. As an experienced and passionate negotiator, Brian C. Gutierrez knows how to dodge lowball offers and won’t be afraid to go to court if your settlement is rejected.

If you’ve been injured by a faulty or defective product, you deserve total support as we fight for your fair and full compensation. Reach out to experienced product liability attorney Brian C. Gutierrez, who has been serving the College Station and Bryan, TX communities for more than 17 years. To learn more, contact our office and set up your consultation today.

Brian Gutierrez standing in the doorway

A Manufacturer May Be Found Negligent If

  • Some aspect of the design renders a product unreasonably dangerous
  • A safer alternative to that design was available
  • A manufacturing defect existed in the assembly of the product
  • The defect caused an injury, property damage, or death
  • The manufacturer failed to warn consumers of the danger

In order for a product liability claim to be successful, the injured person must be able to show that the product was dangerous or defective, the defect caused unreasonable danger to the consumer, and the defect in the design or manufacture of that product was responsible for the injury.

Product Liability Claims

This area of law is complex and requires an attorney with detailed knowledge of the law. Our product liability lawyer has represented more than 1,000 injured clients over the past 12 years, including hundreds of product liability claims. We understand the law and know how to gather evidence and prepare cases to clearly demonstrate liability.

Types of Product Liability

Manufacturing Defect

Companies who make products must ensure that they’re safe for use. If a defect in the manufacturing process makes a product unsafe for you and you’re injured as a result of using it, you’ll be owed damages according to the economic and non-economic losses you’ve suffered.

Design Defect

Sometimes, the actual design of a product makes it inherently dangerous. This is usually an issue that impacts and entire line of products rather than just a single unit. An example of this may be a vehicle whose design makes it overly top-heavy.

Marketing Defect

If the manufacturer of a product fails to market it or label it properly, it can potentially be misused in a way that causes injury or death. This will include warnings that are inadequate or are missing altogether, as well as false advertising claims.

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What Kinds of Damages Can I Claim?

When you work with an experienced product liability attorney in College Station or Byran, TX, like Brian C. Gutierrez, he’ll help you understand the different types of damages that you can potentially claim in your product liability suit. He’ll work with you to understand how you can hold the manufacturer responsible and will work to ensure that your payout is as high as possible so you can move on with your life in peace and comfort.

Economic Damages

Economic Damages are the most straightforward type of damages pursued in a product liability claim. These damages will include anything that can be assigned a concrete value. Medical bills, damaged property, and lost wages all fall under the purview of economic damages.

Non-Economic Damages

Non-Economic Damages involve other costs that do not come with a directly tangible price tag. Non-economic damages often include pain and suffering, loss of quality of life, and more. Brian C. Gutierrez and his team will call upon expert witnesses to lend credibility to your claim and help clarify the value of the non-economic damages you suffered.

Punitive Damages

Punitive Damages may be pursued if we can show that the manufacturer of the product was grossly negligent in some way, or if we can show that fraud or malice were somehow present in the manufacturing process.

Trust an Expert. Brian C. Gutierrez

As an experienced product liability attorney who has been serving the Bryan, TX, and College Station communities for nearly two decades, Brian C. Gutierrez has the experience and knowledge needed to ensure that you’re restored to the fullest possible extent after being injured or suffering losses due to a dangerous or defective product. We’ll handle the legal burden while you recover and take care of your family, negotiating on your behalf so that you can enjoy peace of mind and move on with your life. If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you, reach out and set up your consultation today.

“No words describe how amazing it is to work with Brian.” J.T.

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