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Protecting Your Interests After a Rear-End Accident

We’ve all been there—waiting patiently for the light to turn green when suddenly your peaceful day is interrupted by the sudden intrusion of a rear-end collision. These accidents can range in severity from minor fender-benders to more serious crashes, and the injuries suffered by those in the impacted car can vary accordingly. While most individuals believe that it’s fairly cut-and-dry to establish that the car doing the rear-ending was at fault, the truth of the matter is often a bit more complicated. Even though it might seem clear that the other driver was at fault, the insurance company may still employ any number of tactics in an attempt to reduce the payout you ultimately receive. This is why we recommend reaching out to a highly experienced rear-end accident lawyer like Brian C. Gutierrez. He’s been serving the Bryan, TX and College Station areas for nearly two decades now and has earned a reputation for excellence by being a fearless negotiator who won’t back down and will take things all the way to court if necessary. If you’d like to learn more about what Brian C. Gutierrez and his team can do for you after a rear-end accident, reach out to our offices and set up your consultation with a staff member today.

Common Injuries After a Rear-End Accident

The specific impact caused by a rear-end accident can result in just about any type of injury (depending on where the individual was sitting and whether or not they were wearing a seatbelt). Some of the most common injuries can include some of the following issues.


Many rear-end accidents cause individuals to experience a sudden jerking motion that can put a significant strain on one’s head and neck muscles. Whiplash is not always apparent immediately, which is why we recommend getting medical attention right away.

Back Injury

The force of a rear-end accident can cause you to experience a herniated disc, a fracture to a part of your spinal column, and much more. Back injuries can be quite serious and may involve chronic pain, lasting mobility issues, and further problems that impact your quality of life.

Soft Tissue Injury

Soft tissue injuries typically impact your muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Strains and sprains are the most common types of soft tissue injuries and can leave you with lingering discomfort in areas like your back, shoulders, and so forth.

Psychological Trauma

A rear-end accident—as with any type of car accident—can be quite a traumatic experience. It’s quite common to find that those involved in a rear-end crash experience chronic anxiety issues, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or other psychological aftereffects.

One of the most common tactics employed by an insurance company after a rear-end accident will involve downplaying the severity of your injuries. Sometimes, the insurance company will even try to suggest that your injury was not actually caused by the accident itself. This is why we recommend making sure that you’re able to receive medical attention as quickly as possible and that you reach out to an experienced rear-end accident attorney like Brian C. Gutierrez, who can make sure that your interests are rigorously defended.

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What Kind of Damages Can I Pursue After a Rear-End Accident?

After a crash has left you with property damages, impacted your ability to earn a living wage, or left you with injuries that require expensive treatment, a rear-end accident attorney like Brian C. Gutierrez can help you determine exactly what type of damages you are owed.

Economic Damages

Economic damages are usually the first type of damages that one will assess after an automobile accident. These damages include anything with a concrete economic value that can be totaled up after a rear-end collision.

Non-Economic Damages

Brian C. Gutierrez will employ the use of expert witnesses who can help assign a monetary amount to the trauma that you face after a rear-end collision, including emotional anguish, loss of consortium, loss of quality of life, and more.

Punitive Damages

In cases where the at-fault driver can be shown to have displayed gross negligence, we may also be able to pursue punitive damages. These are also able to be pursued if it can be shown that malice or fraud was a motivating factor in the accident.

Man holding neck after accident

Why Call Brian C. Gutierrez?

As a rear-end accident attorney who has been serving Bryan, TX and College Station for more than 17 years now, Brian C. Gutierrez has the experience, the tenacity, and the legal prowess needed to ensure that you’re able to achieve your fullest possible settlement. As an attorney with decades of experience, Brian and his team can connect you with expert witnesses who will support your case during the negotiation process or in front of a judge. They approach each and every case with a commitment to compassionate support.

In other words? Brian and his team will handle the headache that comes along with making sure everyone does the right thing. They’ll hold the proper parties accountable, and their no-nonsense approach to negotiation involves turning down low-ball offers and taking things to trial if it’s felt that you’re not being offered the compensation you truly deserve. Brian and his team will ensure that you’re able to rest, recover, and take care of your family while they secure the relief you need to truly move on with your life in peace.

“No words describe how amazing it is to work with Brian.” J.T.

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