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Moving on After a Semi-Truck Accident

Semi-trucks are large commercial vehicles that are also commonly referred to as tractor-trailers or 18-wheelers. These significantly sized vehicles are used to transport large loads of cargo (sometimes weighing up to 80,000 pounds) across vast distances. Given the sheer size and weight of semi-trucks, an accident involving one of them can be quite devastating and may potentially cause serious injury, major property damage, or even death. This makes it imperative that you work with an experienced semi-truck accident attorney who can help ensure that you win compensation from the liable party.

For more than 17 years now, Brian C. Gutierrez has been serving Bryan, TX as one of the most experienced and successful semi-truck accident lawyers around. He will be your steadfast advocate for justice, offering you unwavering support as he navigates the legal process, supports you in your personal recovery, and ensures that you’re compensated in a way that makes it possible for you to move on with your life. Reach out to his office to get started if you’d like to learn more.

What Causes a Semi-Truck Accident?

Semi-trucks are an integral part of daily life, moving products from one place to another in a way that makes our lives easy and convenient. They are also, however, incredibly dangerous if they are operated in a way that is negligible or unsafe. In the legal sense, negligibility involves a breach of the duty of care held by the owner or operator of a semi-truck. This means that a semi-truck must be operated and maintained in a way that adequately minimizes risks and protects other motorists and pedestrians from danger. Some of the most common causes of semi-truck accidents include the following:

Road Fatigue

Drivers who are responsible for transporting loads across the country via semi-truck are frequently charged with driving incredibly long distances and must remain behind the wheel for extended periods of time. Rules and regulations dictate the steps drivers must take to avoid road fatigue and put limitations on the number of hours they can remain on the road.


The cell phone age has made distracted driving an incredibly prevalent risk to both motorists and pedestrians on the road. Anything from text messages to music apps and everything in between can pose a distraction that winds up resulting in a devastating semi-truck accident.

Poor Maintenance

The company that owns semi-trucks used in commercial transport has a responsibility to make sure that all of its trucks are properly maintained in a way that keeps them safe to operate on the road. If the truck was improperly maintained, the company who owns the truck may potentially be held liable for your damages.

Improper Loading

Believe it or not, something as simple as improperly securing the load inside a semi-truck can result in an accident that causes significant injuries or even loss of life.

Background media
A semi-truck flipped over in a crash

What Exactly Is Negligence?

In the simplest possible terms, negligence describes a failure to exercise a reasonable degree of care under the given circumstances. Determining negligence is the key to securing compensation and establishing that a given party was responsible for any property damage, personal injury, or wrongful death.

To establish negligence, Brian C. Gutierrez will conduct a thorough investigation. The purpose of this investigation will revolve around establishing four key facts:

  1. The owner or operator of the semi-truck (the defendant) owed a duty of care to the party who was injured or who suffered losses (the plaintiff).
  2. This duty of care was breached by the defendant.
  3. This breach was the direct cause of an injury suffered by the plaintiff.
  4. This breach directly resulted in damages suffered by the plaintiff.

Fighting for Your Justice, Relief, and Support

When it comes to navigating the aftermath of a semi-truck accident, you need three distinct things: Justice, relief, and support. Justice means getting to the truth of the issue and establishing what really happened. Brian’s team will tirelessly investigate the details surrounding your accident so he can clearly establish who was at fault. Relief means ensuring that you’re given the compensation that you deserve. Insurance companies frequently try to low-ball plaintiffs who were injured in a semi-truck accident. 

Brian C. Gutierrez will ensure that you’re compensated to the fullest possible degree. And finally, support means he’ll work with you through every ancillary aspect of the process. Moving on and seeking justice after a semi-truck accident involves much more than the legal process. He’ll handle the hard work that goes into finding the justice you deserve so you can focus on healing, recovering, and properly moving on with your life. To learn more about what Brian C. Gutierrez can do for you, reach out and set up your initial consultation today.

“No words describe how amazing it is to work with Brian.” J.T.

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