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Your Trusted Advocate Brian C. Gutierrez

Slip-and-fall accidents can happen just about anywhere and at any time. Their unexpected nature can make them fairly serious, resulting in injuries that require expensive treatment, involve lengthy recovery times, and prevent you from earning a living wage while you undergo medical care. If it can be shown that the owner of a property knew about but failed to address a hazard that caused you to slip and fall, they can be held liable for both economic and non-economic damages you’ve suffered.

Brian C. Gutierrez is a highly experienced, board-certified personal injury lawyer (a distinction that fewer than 2% of all Texas attorneys can boast) who has been serving the College Station and Bryan, TX communities for more than 17 years. He advocates on behalf of his clients and their families and will take on the insurance company to ensure that you’re compensated to the fullest possible amount. Should you receive a lowball offer or have your claim denied altogether, Brian won’t hesitate to argue in front of a judge.

When you’ve been injured in a slip-and-fall accident, the last thing you need to be dealing with is a thorny and complicated legal process. Negotiating with the insurance company is never fun, and the tactics they’ll use to minimize your claim can be frustrating. Brian C. Gutierrez is a veteran of this process and won’t hesitate to insist upon your fullest possible compensation. If you’d like to learn more about Brian C. Gutierrez can do for you, reach out to his offices and set up your initial consultation today.

What Causes a Slip-and-Fall Accident?

Slip-and-fall accidents fall under a type of category known as premises liability. The owner of any property has a legal obligation to make sure they maintain conditions that are safe for any visitors who might be on that property. Hazards must be addressed, repairs must be made, and so forth.

Common hazards that can cause a slip-and-fall accident include:

  • Uneven flooring
  • Wet surfaces
  • Obstacles or obstructions
  • Poor lighting
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Comparative Negligence in Slip-and-Fall Accidents

In the state of Texas, the principle of “comparative negligence” is important when considering who is responsible for the injuries and financial damages caused by a slip-and-fall accident. If it can be shown that you were in some way at fault for the accident, the amount of your total payout will be reduced according to the degree to which you were responsible for the accident.

This means that if it can be shown that you were 25% responsible for the accident, your payout will be reduced by 25%. Unfortunately, the comparative negligence law means that if it can be shown that you were more than 50% at fault, you will not be awarded any compensation. This is why it’s best to work with an experienced slip-and-fall attorney like Brian C. Gutierrez.

Brian will gather evidence about the conditions that led to your slip-and-fall accident, consult with expert witnesses who can lend credibility to your account, and insist upon the highest possible payout. If the insurance company offers you a lowball settlement or refuses a payout, Brian will go to court and advocate for your interests in front of a judge.

Man holding ankle after falling

Trust an Expert Slip-and-Fall Attorney in College Station and Bryan, TX

For more than 17 years now, Brian C. Gutierrez has been advocating for the interests of working families in the College Station and Bryan, TX communities. Insurance companies employ underhanded tactics and do everything they can to minimize the payout owed after a slip-and-fall accident. You deserve to be compensated to the fullest possible amount, and you deserve to be guided through the legal process by a consummate expert who can shoulder the burden for you and give you the peace of mind needed to focus on your recovery and your family.

Brian offers his clients total support like few other attorneys can. He will be available to you at all times, will keep you informed at every step of the process, and will help you alleviate any burden that might come your way while he works to ensure that justice is served. If you’re interested in learning more about how Brian can help you after a slip-and-fall accident, reach out and schedule your initial consultation today.

“No words describe how amazing it is to work with Brian.” J.T.

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