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Your Spinal Cord Injury Attorney in College Station and Bryan, TX

Spinal injuries are not typically the type of injury that one can simply “walk off”. At best, a spinal injury can be extremely painful and involve a lengthy recovery process. At worst, they can have life-altering consequences that keep you from enjoying your favorite activities. Sometimes, they can even result in full or partial paralysis, loss of sensation, and other consequences that might prevent you from enjoying the fullest possible quality of life.

If you have suffered a spinal cord injury and believe that you may be entitled to compensation from the responsible party, we recommend reaching out to Brian C. Gutierrez. As one of the most successful spinal cord injury lawyers in the College Station and Bryan, TX, areas, Brian will go to work gathering evidence and negotiating with the insurance company to ensure that your payout is as high as possible. He’ll even go to trial if necessary.

For more than 17 years, Brian has been advocating for the rights of working families in the College Station and Bryan, TX communities, and he’ll be excited to step up to the plate for you and your family. He’ll handle the headache of navigating the claims process so you can focus on recovering, feeling better, and taking care of your loved ones. To learn more, reach out to Brian C. Gutierrez and set up your initial consultation today.

Understanding the Spinal Cord

The spinal cord is the core component of your body’s central nervous system. It runs up and down your back and is a bundle of nerves and tissues that travel through a hollow cylinder at the center of your spine. Your spinal cord is responsible for carrying signals from your brain and sending them to the rest of your body. In other words, your spinal cord is the control center for just about any type of bodily function you can imagine. Damaging your spinal cord, then, can have a number of potential effects, many of them quite serious.

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A doctor tending to a patient in a wheel chair

How Spinal Cord Injuries Can Impact You

A spinal cord injury occurs when one or more parts of your spinal column are damaged. This could mean that one of the vertebrae that make up your spinal column has been impacted, or it could mean that the actual cord itself was damaged. Spinal cord injuries are typically caused by accidents that involve sudden, violent movements, with car accidents and falls being among the most common causes of this particular type of injury.

Spinal cord injuries can cause the following issues:

  • Bowel or bladder control issues
  • Numbness or a loss of sensation
  • Problems with circulation
  • Trouble breathing regularly
  • Lost muscle control
  • Decrease in bone density below the injury
  • Full or partial paralysis

What Kind of Damages Can I Pursue?

Spinal cord injuries, first and foremost, often require expensive treatment and involve a lengthy recovery process. This means that, at the bare minimum, a person or company found liable for your spinal cord injury will be responsible for paying your medical bills and restoring any wages that were lost during the period of time in which you were unable to work. Take a look at the different ways we categorize the damages that can be owed after a spinal cord injury.

Economic Damages

Economic Damages would include the aforementioned medical bills. These damages are anything that can be directly totaled and assigned a concrete monetary value. Lost wages would also fall under the banner of economic damages.

Non-Economic Damages

Non-Economic Damages refer to damages that can’t be directly assigned a clear monetary value. Compensation for the pain and suffering that you had to endure as a result of your accident, for example, would be considered non-economic damages.

Punitive Damages

Punitive Damages will come into play if it can be shown that your injury was caused by extreme or gross negligence. These damages are often also called exemplary damages, and Brian C. Gutierrez will help you understand whether or not you can realistically pursue them.

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Your Expert Spinal Cord Injury Attorney [in College Station and Bryan, TX]

Brian C. Gutierrez treats every one of his clients like family…and nobody messes with his family. When it comes to the negotiation process, nobody brings more passion to the table. If the insurance company isn’t playing fairly, Brian won’t hesitate to bring them to court, arguing your case in front of a judge and calling upon expert witnesses to lend credibly and strengthen your claim. If you’d like to learn more about how Brian C. Gutierrez can protect your interests after a spinal cord injury, reach out and schedule your consultation today.

“No words describe how amazing it is to work with Brian.” J.T.

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