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Seeking Compensation After a Tractor-Trailer Accident

An accident involving a tractor-trailer can be devastating in numerous ways. Whether the other party is operating a motor vehicle or using the roadway as a pedestrian, there is almost always a massive discrepancy between the size and weight of the two parties involved in the crash. Tractor-trailers tend to be very large and can be loaded with cargo that sometimes weighs up to 80,000 pounds or more. The resulting crash can cause serious injuries and also result in a significant degree of financial loss. If you or a loved one have been involved in a tractor-trailer accident, Brian C. Gutierrez is here to help. He’s spent more than 17 years earning a reputation as one of the most passionate and successful tractor-trailer accident lawyers in the College Station and Bryan, TX areas, and he’s ready to do whatever it takes to ensure that you’re compensated in a way that sees you moving on with your life and enjoying lasting peace of mind. If you’d like to learn more about how Brian C. Gutierrez can help you, reach out to his offices and set up your initial appointment with a staff member today.

Brian Gutierrez at a desk looking at documents

Common Injuries After a Tractor-Trailer Accident

Just about any car accident can be a highly dangerous situation, but tractor-trailer accidents are often exceptionally devastating. Tractor-trailers are massive and heavy objects, which can make them harder to control when traveling at freeway speeds while also increasing the damage they can potentially cause when colliding with people or other vehicles.

Some of the most common injuries seen after a tractor-trailer accident include:

  • Soft tissue trauma
  • Broken bones
  • Burn injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Lacerations

Establishing Negligence

One of the key steps to securing compensation from the liable party in a tractor-trailer accident involves establishing that the liable party acted in a way that was negligent. In the case of a tractor-trailer accident, this party could be the owner of the truck, the operator of the truck, or both. Both parties are responsible for ensuring that the truck is properly maintained, safely operated, and not posing a threat to other drivers on the road.

The following are the four core facts that must be established in order to prove that a party acted negligently:

  1. The owner or operator of the truck (the defendant) owed a duty of care to the injured party (the plaintiff).
  2. That duty of care was clearly breached by the defendant.
  3. The plaintiff’s injuries were directly caused by the defendant’s breached duty of care.
  4. The defendant’s breached duty of care caused the plaintiff’s damages or losses.

Causes of Tractor-Trailer Accidents

Another core aspect of establishing liability after a tractor-trailer accident involves determining the specific cause of the accident. This is part of the reason that we recommend reaching out to a seasoned tractor-trailer accident lawyer in College Station or Bryan, TX—like Brian C. Gutierrez—who can start working on your case as quickly as possible. He will launch a relentless investigation into the circumstances surrounding your tractor-trailer accident so he can establish liability beyond a shadow of a doubt and pursue the maximum amount of possible compensation.

Distracted Driving

Distractions have become increasingly prevalent, thanks to the spread of devices like cell phones and GPS navigation systems. The use of one of these devices or an activity like changing music or looking for things in the cab can cause a driver to become distracted.

Improper Maintenance

The company that owns a tractor-trailer used in commercial transport has a duty to ensure that the tractor-trailer is properly maintained. Doing so reduces the risk of malfunctions that can lead to dangerous accidents between a pedestrian or another vehicle.

Poorly-Secured Cargo

If the cargo loaded into a tractor-trailer is not properly secured, shifting weight can cause the driver to lose control. This can lead to particularly serious jackknife truck accidents that result in significant property damage and personal injury.

Driver Fatigue

Commercial transport drivers have rules that dictate how long they’re allowed to remain on the road. If drivers do not take breaks when directed, they can become fatigued and create circumstances that more readily lead to accidents.

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Your Board-Certified Tractor-Trailer Accident Attorney Brian C. Gutierrez

If you’ve been injured or have suffered financial losses (or are dealing with both) after a tractor-trailer accident, you deserve a tenacious tractor-trailer accident lawyer who will not only out-work but will out-care his opponents. People often remark that Brian C. Gutierrez doesn’t approach personal injury law like it’s his job—he approaches it like it’s his passion. This is quite simply because it is! Brian C. Gutierrez values nothing more than the fight for justice, and he’ll do everything it takes to ensure that you’re able to receive the compensation you deserve after a devastating tractor-trailer accident. He’ll become your pillar of support both within and without the legal process, helping you navigate any and all incidental burdens throughout the process so you can focus on healing, taking care of your family, and moving on with your life. 

To learn more about how he can help you earn the relief you deserve, reach out to Brian C. Gutierrez—one of the most venerated tractor-trailer accident lawyers in College Station and Bryan, TX—and set up your consultation today.

“No words describe how amazing it is to work with Brian.” J.T.

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