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Uber/Lyft Accident Lawyers That Work For You

Many people who are injured by Uber/Lyft drivers pursue compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, emotional distress, and more. Learn more about when you need to hire a rideshare accident lawyer and how your attorney can help you win your case.

Types of Rideshare Accidents

Single Car Accidents

It’s important to note that passengers injured in single-car accidents involving Uber or Lyft have rights to compensation for their injuries, including medical expenses and lost wages. Filing a claim can be a complicated process, which is why consulting a Bryan rideshare accident attorney who specializes in ridesharing accidents is crucial.

T-Bone Accidents

T-Bone accidents, also known as side-impact collisions, occur when the front of one vehicle collides with the side of another. These types of accidents are common at intersections and can lead to serious injuries, especially for the passengers on the side of the vehicle that was hit. In the case of an Uber or Lyft T-bone accident, determining fault is crucial. 

If the other driver was the at-fault party and not the rideshare driver, then the injured party would typically seek compensation from the at-fault driver’s insurance company. If the rideshare driver was at fault, then the compensation process would begin with their insurance coverage and could possibly extend to the rideshare company’s insurance policy, depending on the status of the ride.

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Uber and Lyft-Related Injuries in Situations Other Than Motor Vehicle Accidents

Motor vehicle accidents aren’t the only cause of injuries in the context of ridesharing services. Uber and Lyft passengers may also sustain injuries during their trips that are unrelated to collisions. For example, a passenger could be hurt while entering or exiting a rideshare vehicle or even because of a sudden stop or turn. In such cases, the rideshare driver or the rideshare companies themselves could be held liable, depending on the circumstances.

Moreover, Uber and Lyft have a duty of care to their customers, which includes providing a safe environment for their passengers. If you suffer an injury due to unsafe conditions in an Uber or Lyft vehicle, such as a damaged seat belt or a malfunctioning door, you may have grounds for a claim against the rideshare company.

Man holding his back in pain

What Should You Do After a Ridesharing Accident?

When you’re involved in a car accident, whether with an Uber or Lyft driver or as a rideshare passenger, the steps you take immediately following the accident are crucial. Firstly, assess the situation and seek immediate medical attention if necessary. Remember that certain injuries may not show symptoms right away, so it’s important to undergo a medical checkup after an accident.

Next, document the accident scene. Take photos of the vehicles involved, any property damage, and any visible injuries you may have sustained. This evidence can be crucial when you file an insurance claim or a legal claim for damages.

Who Is Responsible for Uber and Lyft Ridesharing Accidents?

Ridesharing accidents in Texas are increasingly common as the popularity of Uber and Lyft continues to rise. As transportation network companies, they operate by connecting passengers with independent contractors driving their own vehicles. However, the question of who is liable in the event of a rideshare accident can be complex.

In Texas, both the rideshare driver and the rideshare companies may bear responsibility, depending on the circumstances. Uber and Lyft provide insurance coverage that protects passengers and third parties in the event of an accident. This insurance kicks in under certain conditions, primarily when the driver is logged into the app and during a ride request.

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If You Are a Ridesharing Driver and Someone Else Is at Fault

If you’re a rideshare driver and another motorist is responsible for the accident, the at-fault party’s insurance company is typically responsible for your damages. Texas follows an “at-fault” or “tort” system, meaning the person who caused the accident is responsible for any damages.

However, if the at-fault party is uninsured or underinsured, you may still be protected. Uber and Lyft provide uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage that applies if another driver is at fault and doesn’t have sufficient insurance coverage. This policy is also applicable if you become a victim of a hit-and-run incident while working as a rideshare driver.

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How Insurance Claims Are Handled in Rideshare Accidents Uber and Lyft Policies

Following a ridesharing accident, the process of filing an insurance claim can be quite intricate due to the involvement of multiple parties, each with insurance coverage of their own. Uber and Lyft, as ridesharing companies, provide insurance coverage with limits of up to $1 million. However, this coverage applies only when a ride is in progress: from the time a driver accepts a ride request until the passenger is dropped off.

The rideshare driver’s own insurance company comes into play when the driver is logged into the app but not engaged in a ride. In such instances, the insurance provided by Uber or Lyft is less, while the driver’s personal insurance coverage is expected to cover the remainder. In instances when a driver has not logged into the Uber or Lyft app, their own insurance company is the sole insurer during an accident.

Recovering Damages After a Rideshare Collision

In the aftermath of a rideshare collision, victims may face significant medical expenses, property damage, and possibly lost wages due to time off work. Recovering these damages typically involves a process of negotiation with insurance companies. Our experienced and qualified attorney, Brian C. Gutierrez, is committed to fighting for your rights as you navigate your case inside and outside of the trial courtroom.

In cases where another motorist is at fault, claims would be directed towards that motorist’s insurance company. If the other motorist is uninsured or underinsured, Uber and Lyft may provide coverage for their drivers under the uninsured/underinsured motorist policy.

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Additional Considerations

Uber and Lyft accidents often present unique challenges in terms of determining fault and dealing with insurance companies. It’s also important to note that while Texas law does not require you to hire an attorney, navigating these complexities can be overwhelming without experienced legal help. The complexities involved in filing a police report, seeking medical attention, and processing the road to financial recovery often warrant the support of an experienced attorney such as Brian C. Gutierrez.

Keep in mind that Uber and Lyft drivers are independent contractors, not employees, which can complicate liability issues. Therefore, it’s vital to understand your rights and responsibilities, whether you’re a passenger, rideshare driver, or another motorist involved in a rideshare accident. If you find yourself in such a situation, it’s wise to consult with a car accident lawyer who has the needed experience with rideshare accidents.

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Get the Compensation You Deserve

The aftermath of a rideshare accident can be a stressful and confusing time. The process of securing compensation can feel daunting, especially when you’re also dealing with physical recovery from injuries. It’s essential to understand that you have rights and legal avenues to secure the compensation you deserve. Our skilled car accident lawyer can help guide you through the process, ensuring that all potential sources of compensation are explored and that you’re not left bearing the financial burden of an accident you did not cause.

If you are seeking justice after a ridesharing incident, then Brian C. Gutierrez is here for you. He understands the complexities and nuances of working with a ridesharing company or Lyft or Uber driver in light of an accident claim. Contact Brian C. Gutierrez, Attorney at Law, in Bryan, TX to schedule a free consultation to consider your legal options in a rideshare accident case.

“No words describe how amazing it is to work with Brian.” J.T.

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