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Get Legal Support After an Accident

If you have been involved in an accident in Navasota or the nearby areas, then Navasota car accident lawyers can help. You need someone who can investigate the case, help you prove causation and damages, and assist you in pursuing your claim all the way to a settlement. We serve Navasota, TX, College Station, TX, Bryan, TX, Brenham, TX, and the surrounding area in Texas.

How Can a Navasota Car Accident Lawyer Help?

If you have been involved in an auto accident, then you will need the help of an auto accident attorney working at a law firm with law offices in your local area. Personal injury accident lawyers can help you pursue a personal injury claim after being involved in an accident. You may need an attorney to evaluate a settlement offer, help you prove that you have a claim, or see your case all the way to trial in some cases. Every person who sustained minor or catastrophic injuries in an auto accident needs a solid legal team helping them while they’re attempting to recover compensation for what they’ve been through.

A law firm handles anything you need them to when they take on your case. This includes calculating the value of your damages, proving to the insurance company that you were injured in the accident, helping prove negligence on the part of the liable driver, negotiating with the insurance company, and much more. Those who’ve been in a vehicle crash should specifically get in contact with a car accident attorney in Navasota when attempting to pursue compensation. Car accident lawyers in Navasota, TX are the best option to assist in personal injury cases involving auto accidents.

What Do Car Accident Lawyers in Navasota Do?

Navasota car accident lawyers handle personal injury cases where the injuries were caused by an accident involving a vehicle. Your accident attorney may help you recover compensation from a negligent regular driver, commercial driver, truck driver, or any kind of motorist you were involved in a car accident with if the accident was the other driver’s fault. Your attorney may assist you in pursuing a settlement or filing a lawsuit if you need to sue to recover compensation.

Thinking about finding a Navasota car accident lawyer should be one of the first things you do after calling emergency services at the accident scene and getting medical help. The services of an attorney will be incredibly useful after you sustain any injury in an auto accident, be it on the highway, city road, or elsewhere. Let’s take a look at some of the things Navasota car accident attorneys may do for you.

Offer You Legal Advice

The lawyers at the law firm you contact should offer you legal advice throughout the entire process. The law office is somewhere you should feel safe to ask questions and trust all the advice that’s given to you by the law firm. The best lawyers ensure you are up to date on everything that could happen and that is happening as the case goes on.

Negotiate with the Insurance Company

There’s a certain amount of money that you should be offered to cover all of your damages. Your lawyer will help you calculate these damages, so negotiations with the insurance company can begin. The insurance company will not want to pay out a large amount even if you are entitled to it, so your injury lawyer may have to negotiate with the company for quite some time.

Help You Learn Your Rights

Attorneys offer many services, and they’ll make sure you understand your rights after an accident. Drivers who are not liable for the accident they’ve been involved in should always be made aware of all of their rights by their legal team. Non-liable drivers and their families should be aware that they should not have to spend any money on hospital bills or repairing the damaged property if they’re not at fault for the accident. Your attorney can take you and any family or friends that were in the car with you through all of your rights that apply in your case. They should be professional and understanding, while helping you understand that you are not at fault here.

Investigate the Case

Your car accident injury lawyer in Navasota needs to investigate the case to determine liability so they can prove that you are not at fault. Proving liability can both bring some relief to you and your family and prove to the insurance company that you are not responsible for the accident. Proving the other driver’s negligence in your Navasota, TX or Houston, TX car accident injury case is vital if you want to get the liable driver’s insurance company to pay out.

File a Lawsuit

If you can not come to a settlement agreement, then you may have to file a suit against the liable driver. Your Navasota, College Station, or Houston, TX injury attorney should be able to file on your behalf. If you need assistance filling out any forms during the process, then someone at the law office should be able to help guide you through it. Once a suit is filed, your personal injury car accident lawyer and their team should be able to help you through it all the way to trial if necessary. The best injury accident lawyers act like every case could go to trial, so they do everything they can to build you the strongest case possible in case they need to represent you in court.

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A silver car rear-ending a black car

How Can You Find the Best Car Accident Injury Lawyer?

The team at the Law Offices of Brian Gutierrez is ready to help you after a Navasota car accident. For almost 20 years, our Navasota car wreck attorney has been supporting drivers in Madisonville, Huntsville, College Station, Bryan, and more after they get into vehicle collisions. We take each situation personally and work diligently to provide each of our clients with individualized legal advice. When you work with Attorney Gutierrez, you receive legal advice directly from him—so you can be sure you are getting the best legal advice for your specific situation. 

We do this work because we are passionate about forming connections with our clients. Our car wreck lawyer provides honest, straightforward, and high-quality legal advice. Our clients return again and again because they trust us and know that we will take care of them no matter what happens.

How Can You Get Money With a Personal Injury Car Accident Claim?

Every state has differing car accident laws, and it is important to mention that Texas is a fault state. The responsible party’s insurance company must pay for the victim’s damages. Because insurance companies are businesses that focus on profits, they will often fight diligently to avoid paying a claim. This means that their deliberations regarding fault can last a long time and put drivers at a disadvantage while they wait for their settlements. A Navasota car wreck lawyer can determine who is at fault for an accident by assembling an array of evidence to support your case.

Evidence may include:

  • Eyewitness statements
  • Police reports
  • CCTV footage
  • Photos and videos of the scene

Car accident lawyers use these pieces of evidence to recreate what happened to cause the accident. With this information, we can help you avoid fault and get the financial support you need. Settlements from these cases can potentially cover medical bills, lost income from time spent healing, and even pain and suffering.

How Do You Choose a Navasota Car Accident Lawyer?

Find a Law Firm You Trust

The first step to finding the right personal injury lawyer to represent your case is finding a law firm that you trust. Your auto accident lawyer may work at a law firm employing injury lawyers who specialize in various areas of the law, or you may find a firm represented by just one lawyer with multiple specialties within personal injury law. However, you must be sure your lawyer practices personal injury law. Don’t consult a firm specializing in family law, criminal defense, or another area of the law.

Make Sure They Have Experience

Your lawyer should have lots of experience representing clients who’ve been injured in accidents similar to yours. They should also have experience defending cases where the client had injuries similar to yours. Pay attention to their case history, and take note of how successful they’ve been in past cases, too. They must have plenty of wins in their case history. It’s best not to work with TX civil trial lawyers who haven’t won many cases similar to yours.

Find Someone Local

Your injury lawyer should work at a local firm, so you can easily attend meetings regarding your personal injury case. Finding a lawyer working in your area of TX is also vital, as they need to understand Texas law and the laws in your particular jurisdiction. If your lawyer has worked in Texas for a long time or studied law at a Texas school such as Mary’s University School of Law, South Texas College of Law, Texas A&M University, or the University of Houston Law Center, then it’s excellent. If your lawyer attended Texas A&M University, South Texas College, the University of Houston Law Center, or another law school in Texas, then it shows they’re well-versed in local laws.

Pay Attention to Their Reputation

Make sure your lawyer has a good reputation among their peers and past clients in TX. Ask for testimonials from past clients, and check your lawyer’s legal standing. You don’t want your Houston lawyer to have a bad reputation among former clients or their peers. Make sure they attended the university they say they did, make sure they’re allowed to practice law in their jurisdiction, and make sure their past clients seem happy with their services. Simply fact-checking that your lawyer attended Texas A&M University or South Texas College or whatever school they say they did will give you peace of mind when working with this injury lawyer.

What Kind of Compensation Might My Navasota Personal Injury Attorney Help Me Pursue?

Your Navasota personal injury attorney will generally help you pursue economic and non-economic damages. If punitive damages may apply in your case, then your personal injury attorney in Navasota may advise you to pursue these, too.

Common economic damages you may pursue from the insurance company if you’ve been injured in a car accident include:

  • Reimbursement for medical bills
  • Reimbursement for property damage
  • Lost income
  • Last earning capacity

Common non-economic damages paid out by insurance companies after accidents include:

  • Physical pain
  • Mental suffering
  • Loss of quality of life
  • Loss of consortium

How Will I Pay My Houston or Navasota Lawyer’s Legal Fees?

Attorney fees are usually paid on a contingency basis in car accident cases. This means your lawyer will take on your case and work for you to recover damages, then you pay them a percentage of that settlement when you win the case.

If your lawyer doesn’t win your case for you, then they will not end up getting paid. So, if a lawyer has decided to take on your case, then it’s often a sign they’re confident that you will end up winning a sum to cover your damages.

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Contact a Navasota Car Accident Lawyer Today

Get in touch with Brian C. Gutierrez if you have been injured in a car accident in Texas. Have a free consultation with someone who can talk to you and potentially help you through the whole process of recovering compensation in Houston, Navasota, and the surrounding area.

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Contact Your Navasota Car Accident Lawyer

If you experience an accident in Navasota, Bryan, College Station, Brenham, or the surrounding area, we are here to help. Attorney Brian Gutierrez is the best in the area, and we provide experience and personalized help that other firms cannot match. We treat our clients like family and provide advice that we would give to our own friends and loved ones to help them pursue the compensation they deserve. For more information about how we can help you, please contact us today.

“No words describe how amazing it is to work with Brian.” J.T.

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